No Pens Day
Wednesday was ‘No Pens Day…’
As part of ‘no pens day’ we took the opportunity to go to the Christmas markets in Manchester.
All students did very well on the travel training aspect of getting the tram and did well at keeping themselves safe and respecting others around them.
When we got there, there were a lot of questions about the different foods that were available and why people would eat certain food types, this was a great conversation to understand different cultures and their food choices.
As you can see in the pictures, students were amazed to see a whole pig cooked, ready and waiting for people to eat.
Students also went into a shop to buy themselves extra socks and gloves as they could really feel the cold coming in on them, this was a great way for them to understand how much they were spending and money management.
After getting in our daily steps, the students were ready to come back to school and into the warmth. SPT1 did very well out in the community and represented Springboard Project brilliantly.
Miss Ainsworth