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Careers Programme 

Careers ProgrammeMegan Daly-Greenham leads our careers and destinations here at Springboard Project.

For further information please contact: 

Telephone number - 0161 883 3250.

Our Careers Policy  is available to view and sets out in detail the support we provide to our young people and how we measure and assess the impact of the careers programme.

Paper copies of our Careers Policy can be supplied to families free of charge on request and the team are always happy to discuss any aspect of the programme and how best we can support your young person – please feel free to contact us for more information or speak to your pastoral lead.

Provider Access Statement

We ensure a range of opportunities for our pupils to access a wide variety of events and work experience placements. These are integrated into our careers programme and curriculum throughout Key Stage 4 and Key Stage 5.

During Key Stage 4 (Preparing for Working Life Pathway) students will have the opportunity to start to think about their career pathway post-16, understand the importance of success for post-16 choices, know more about where they can go to find useful information. All students will cover the following key areas: post 16 options, what employers are looking for and the different types of employment on offer.

During Key Stage 5 (Experiencing Working Life Pathway) students will be given extensive Work Experience opportunities which will allow them to explore the World of Work in a supported environment. Students will be guided with their chosen career pathways, relevant qualifications and work experience to support them with this journey.

In conjunction with our extensive work experience programme, students will be given more information about what their post-16 options are

• identify where they are with their plans

• identify their skills, attributes and interests

• review changes in the world of work and the impact upon you

• understand money: how to make it and how to manage it

• applications and covering letters

• creating a curriculum vitae (CV)

• interview preparation

Students will have a one-to-one or small group careers discussions with Positive Steps, our external careers adviser.

External providers/Employers interested in working with school should contact: 


New Bridge MAT Careers Programme

Our Vision

At Spring Brook Academy and The Springboard Project, we are committed to providing all learners with access to a high quality and stable careers programme. We strive to develop our young people and to prepare them for Adulthood. Creating meaningful futures for all underpins the careers programme with the individual at the heart of everything we do.

Our Trust’s Mission at the heart of our school’s mission

– Learning Together

– Learning for All

– Learning for Life

“Belief that all our pupils, whatever this background or ability will be successful and valued.”

Every young person needs high-quality career guidance to make informed decisions about their future. Good career guidance is a necessity for social mobility: those young people without significant social capital or home support to draw upon have the most to gain from high-quality career guidance.

Intended Outcomes

Provide all pupils with effective careers information, education, advice and guidance. Encourage pupils to make good choices and understand what they need to do to succeed in the careers in which they aspire.

Our careers programme is embedded throughout our curriculum in all year groups. All students receive a rich provision of classroom, vocational and extra-curricular activities to understand and experience a variety of education and vocational activities and how they can be successful in the future.

How does the programme work?

Spring Brook Academy and the Springboard Project are committed to providing a planned careers programme for all students that incorporates learning for life lessons, a vocational curriculum, careers activities/events and subject specific careers learning experiences.

The programme can be accessed here:

The Careers Team

Megan Daley Greenham

Mr J Hopkins – Careers leader Spring Brook Academy

Quality Assurance and Gatsby Benchmarks

The Eight Gatsby Benchmarks for Good Careers Guidance

In response to the Government’s Career Strategy and The DfE Statutory Guidance we have been working with the Careers and Enterprise Company COMPASS tool to evaluate our progress towards achieving the eight Gatsby Benchmarks for good careers guidance.

These are:

1. A stable careers programme

2. Learning from career and labour market information

3. Addressing the needs of each pupil

4. Linking curriculum learning to careers

5. Encounters with employers and employees

6. Experiences of workplaces

7. Encounters with further and higher education

8. Personal guidance

Please see our curriculum page for information about where, when and how we are meeting these benchmarks of good careers guidance.

For further information please visit:

 Labour market information (LMI)

What is labour market information?

It is information relating to career occupations and industries, such as job numbers and salaries. It can also include a range of more specific details, such as educational levels for occupations, workforce demographics and employment patterns locally and/or nationally.

Why is labour market information important in careers education?

High quality, reliable and robust labour market information is vital to offering effective career guidance as it helps:

· navigate complex labour markets

· identify a pathway to goals and ambitions

· inform career decision making

· our understanding of a changing labour market

Why is it useful for students/staff/parents and carers to engage with local labour market information?

It is useful to find the answers to questions such as:

· How many jobs are there? How many in my area? What are the past trends? What are likely future trends?

· How much do people get paid for this job? How much is the starting average? How much in my area?

· What level of qualification do people have in these jobs and what am I likely to need?

· How many vacancies are there for this job? What proportion of people in this occupation are currently out of work? Link: Overview of Greater Manchester labour market information

Useful Links for Careers Education

As a parent or carer, you have a leading role when your child is making decisions about their career. Talking to your child about careers is important. Not only when they are making big decisions, such as subject choices and what to do when they leave school, but also throughout their school lives and beyond. It is important to be prepared and feel confident when they come to you for advice. Below is lots of useful information and links to websites to support you in assisting your child with their future career choices.

For any enquiries regarding careers education, information, advice or guidance, please contact our Careers Leaders Mr Hopkins or Megan Daley Greenham by email. – careers exploration through Greater Manchester’s Apprenticeship and Careers Service national – this is the Government’s hub for careers advice for people of all ages where you can find help with drafting letters, CVs, exploring your skills or seeking careers advice– the National Apprenticeship Service website provides general advice and information about apprenticeships. Also advertises current vacancies.– aims to help you to make the most of your potential by showing how others have used theirs, take the ‘Buzz’ personality profile quiz.– investigate careers, watch videos and get great advice, find out about employers and work experience opportunities in your area. – video based job profile information and skills explorer tool.– gives clear and comprehensive information about a range of Career Zones (sectors), in an easy to access format. Students can create a profile to help to collate useful information. ’60 second interviews’ giving profile of professionals, provide a useful insight into specific careers.– offers detailed advice on how to access a range of sectors. Also offers the purchase of resources, compiled in conjunction with professionals working in these fields, designed to enable you to achieve your dream career or course.– opportunities that exist outside of university.– information about university courses on offer, also the Stamford test to help with ideas about subjects to study.– represents 24 leading universities, source of careers information & advice including ‘informed choices’ a downloadable guide to making post 16 choices.– find out which areas you could access after a particular degree. – springboard is for students. It is divided into two main sections: the Career Test and the Career Exploration Tool. In tandem, these two interactive tools allow students to find some career inspiration and gain an insight into their different career options.– this site has useful videos, demonstrating how to complete the online applications for many top companies in the UK, as well as providing detailed information on salaries and interviews. Applications forms can be printed off directly from this site. – lots of information about specific sectors as well as advice on how to create a CV and prepare for interviews.– displays current apprenticeship and school leaver programme opportunities, to the latest school leaver job news, and gives career journey advice.– gives live apprenticeship vacancies, organised by sector or area. Also offers plenty of advice on making applications.

GMACS | Inspire. Explore. Apply – GMACS  – enables students to access labour market information, create their own careers plan and access a wealth of GM careers information.

Careers advice – job profiles, information and resources | National Careers Service – National careers service – explore job roles.

Careerpilot : Plan your future work & study – Careers pilot. A website with a wealth of useful careers information at different stages of education.

CareersBox – YouTube – Careersbox Youtube channel – many careers and job videos with people explaining what they do.

Health Careers | – NHS careers in health.

Welcome | Careers in Construction

Careers In Construction (Construction Jobs List) | Go Construct – Construction careers sites.

Amazing Apprenticeships – Apprenticeship information. – BBC bitesize  – has a section specific to where your school subject will take you. – Free Subject Posters


Careers Programme